We have made it very easy for you add or update your information. If you already see your business, we have already created your ID using your email in our file. Please send us a request using the email that you would like to use to administer your business. Please include following information to [email protected].
Your name, business name, Phone #, Email ID and Business Address.
We will confirm your record and assign your business record to email address provided and you will receive an email from Downtown Racine confirming your registration. Please follow these few easy steps to add or update your business information:
- Click on http://ourhometownapp.com/app-admin/Click on the Administration Button
- Click the link to reset your password. You will receive an email where you can establish/reset your password.
- In the future, use http://ourhometownapp.com/app-admin/ to go to the portal, click Administration Button and login with your email and password.
- Once you log in, you can add or update your business listing by following the on screen instructions. You can add only one business per email address.
How are new events added to the App?
All the events are updated by DesignsTouch or Downtown Racine Corporation. If you see an event missing or has incomplete information please let us know by using feedback form. We will update the event ASAP.